Much of Today's Social, Online and Print Automotive Coverage is Driven by PR-Spin and Branding, Making Original, Authentic Storytelling a Rare Commodity. Why Is That?
Up until around 2005, car companies were widely known as “marques” or “nameplates.” Then the word “brand” came into widespread use in the industry, and with it, the mentality changed. Cars became the equivalent of a toaster, or a box of cereal, and have been presented as such.

A marque has much more depth and meaning than that. It’s not something artificially created by marketing teams or “brand managers,” for marques have unique identities crafted by histories of designing, engineering and developing cars a certain way. And that philosophy was clear the moment you got behind the wheel of a car from the marque/analog era.

On the road, a Ferrari was very distinctively a Ferrari and not a Lamborghini, Maserati or something else, and vice versa. All had nuanced, unique characters that lingered long after the drive was over, and went far beyond the horsepower and performance statistics that are so continuously promoted today. Back then concepts such as "sound engineering" were never imagined; rather, an engine and exhaust’s song was built that way because that's how it was supposed to sound.
I use this type of understanding and perspective to examine the automotive world through a deeper, more interesting and nuanced lens. With decades of on-road experience in many of the world’s greatest cars, the quiet buying and selling of performance and collector cars with prices ranging into eight figures, and working behind the scenes at some of the great collector car events, the insights and observations are formed through experience and not the PR spin-of-the-day.

My social and blog posts, magazine articles, and books go beyond the obvious, identifying and connecting the dots so the big picture comes into focus. There’s original photography, and fact-checking to make sure what is written is correct. And you will often find quotes from interviews with those who created the famed marques and their landmark machines.

So join me on the road less traveled, one that's far removed from today's all-too-common, vested-interest point-of-view that's presented as truth. My storytelling is original, engaging and penetrating, with accuracy, authenticity, and depth so you can make your own informed decision.
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